电影 陌生人的爱



  • 片名:陌生人的爱
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:Virna/Lisi/F·默里·亚伯拉罕/瓦莱莉娅·铎比奇/莱古拉·格劳维莱尔/
  • 导演:毛里齐奥·扎卡罗/
  • 年份:2002
  • 地区:意大利
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:内详
  • 更新:2023-08-23 00:39
  • 简介:Successful businessman Thomas (about 55), who has chosen to live in Rome, has dedicated his whole life to his work. When his kind and understanding wife Elisa dies, however, his life takes a turn for the worse. His daughter Beatrice, who has broken off her studies and is now living in a mission in India, is more eager than ever to stay there now that her mother has died. Thomas, who always pictured a sensible life for his daughter, decides to go there himself and fetch her back. The chaotic conditions in India and the misery in the streets is all too much for him, yakubd.cc however, as are the charitable nuns who receive him at the mission. When Beatrice realizes why he has come, father and daughter have a fierce argument. Sister Beth, who supports Beatrice's decision, is a thorn in Thomas's side. Defeated, he leaves the fray # only to find he's missed his flight home. He has to wait a few days more for the next one, and during this time he changes his plans. Dressed in Indian clothing, he ..
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Successful businessman Thomas (about 55), who has chosen to live in Rome, has dedicated his whole life to his work. When his kind and understanding wife Elisa dies, however, his life takes a turn for the worse. His daughter Beatrice, who has broken off her studies and is now living in a mission in India, is more eager than ever to stay there now that her mother has died. Thomas, who always pictured a sensible life for his daughter, decides to go there himself and fetch her back. The chaotic conditions in India and the misery in the streets is all too much for him, yakubd.cc however, as are the charitable nuns who receive him at the mission. When Beatrice realizes why he has come, father and daughter have a fierce argument. Sister Beth, who supports Beatrice's decision, is a thorn in Thomas's side. Defeated, he leaves the fray # only to find he's missed his flight home. He has to wait a few days more for the next one, and during this time he changes his plans. Dressed in Indian clothing, he ..


  • HD
    9.0 松冈茉优/洼田正孝/池松壮亮/若叶龙也/佐藤浩市/仲野太贺/趣里/高良健吾/Megumi/三浦贵大/芹泽兴人/笠原秀幸/若林时英/鹤见辰吾/北村有起哉/中野英雄/益冈彻/大鹰明良/佐藤贡三/佐藤贡三/Kôzô/Satô/遠山泰市/薮内大河/中野裕斗/中野裕斗/Yuto/Nakano/巻島みのり/稻川实代子/稻川实代子/Miyoko/Inagawa/前田勝/佐野弘樹/鳥井雄人/野田昌志/二見悠/古川一博/岭豪一/岭豪一/Gôichi/Mine/川村纱也/田中美晴/持田加奈子/内海诚子/内海诚子/Seiko/
  • HD
    2.0 犯罪都市:铁拳清算(港)/The/Roundup/Punishment/
  • HD
    10.0 钱塘茶人/卷二钱塘/山水图:第二部/杭州三部曲第二部/Dwelling/by/the/West/Lake/Dwelling/in/the/Fuchun/Mountains/2:Qiantang/River/
  • HD
    3.0 Intimate/Stranger/
  • HD
    5.0 王后的策略/Queen's/Gambit/
  • HD
    9.0 Their/Backs/
  • HD
    8.0 郭晓东/丁柳元/严晓频/蒋易/寇振海/何政军/周征波/曲国强/王思涵/史嘉怡/张立/吴昊西/
  • HD
    9.0 伊莱扎·斯坎伦/刘易斯·普尔曼/吉米·辛普森/瑞安·施密特/克莱尔·伊丽莎白·格林/Ellie/May/奥斯汀·艾布拉姆斯/Chris/Dinner/Paige/Leigh/Landers/Kieran/Sitawi/Brianna/Bronger/Jessamine/Burgum/凯尔·赛科特/Andrew/Riley/Stephens/Abby/Hobek/Ike/Harrell/K.J./Baker/Matthew/Palmer/Angela/Alexander/Pulliam/Gary/G./Ka/
  • HD
    6.0 My/Dad/is/an/Alien/
  • HD
    6.0 走了/曹生/你好/曹生/My/Son/
  • HD中字
    2.0 藤冈靛/岸井雪乃/佐藤隆太/吉本实忧/中山裕介/骏河太郎/青木柚/
  • TC抢先版
    8.0 扫黑·拨云见日/拨云见日/Walk/The/Line/No/Zuo/No/Die/
  • HD
    6.0 具有暴力的性质/
  • HD
    9.0 莉莉·格莱斯顿/伊莎贝尔·德罗伊-奥尔森/Blayne/Allen/Michael/Rowe/Patrice/Fisher/艾丽安·马汀/克莱斯托·赖特宁/Tyler/Tipton/Ryan/Begay/Hauli/Sioux/Gray/谢伊·惠格姆/奥德丽·瓦西莱夫斯基/Lillian/Faye/Thomas/凯西·坎普-霍里内克/Trey/Munden/Blake/Blair/Dennis/Newman/Miciana/Alise/杰森·阿伦·史密斯/Kylie/Dirtseller/
  • 已完结
    1.0 罗密·施耐德/卡尔海因茨·伯姆/玛格达·施奈德/乌塔·弗朗茨/古斯塔夫·克努特/
  • HD
    6.0 罗德·泰勒/杰西卡·坦迪/苏珊娜·普莱舍特/蒂比·海德莉/维罗尼卡·卡维特/艾塞尔·格里菲斯/查尔斯·麦格劳/鲁斯·麦克德维特/朗尼·查普曼/乔·马特尔/马尔科姆·阿特伯里/约翰·麦戈文/卡尔·斯温森/理查德·迪肯/伊莉莎白·威尔森/比尔·奎因/多琳郎/摩根·布尼塔尼/阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克/戴尔·麦肯南/罗珊妮·图尼斯/DoodlesWeaver/DarleneConley/RennReed/JeannieRussell/
  • HD
    4.0 快速致富/
  • HD
    2.0 The/Little/Horsewhip/
  • HD
    1.0 余生一年的我/与可活半年的你相遇/Drawing/Closer/
  • HD


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