电影 维度之间



  • 片名:维度之间
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Fiona/Graham/Luke/Robinson/Sebastian/Deery/Stacey/Bernstein/
  • 导演:Virginia/Abramovich/
  • 年份:2020
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 类型:剧情/动作/科幻/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2020-07-15
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-08-23 01:06
  • 简介:BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of São Miguel in the Açores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep
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BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of São Miguel in the Açores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep


  • TC抢先版
    6.0 黄景瑜/王一博/钟楚曦/欧豪/朱亚文/谷嘉诚/赵华为/木兰/白那日苏/余沛杉/刘学/南伏龙/魏冲/印小天/冯文娟/孙伊涵/李岷城/蒋林燕/高舒乔/
  • HD
    1.0 比佛利山超级警探:艾索·福里/妙探出差:艾索福里/
  • 高清版
    6.0 姜艺声/谢孟伟/石兆琪/邵峰/梁小龙/王李丹鈮/
  • HD
    9.0 A/Martial/Artlst/Lao/Yu's/Martial/Arts/Life/
  • HD
    7.0 奥利弗·杰森-科恩/珍娜·科尔曼/托马斯·图尔格斯/乔·布莱克莫尔/
  • HD
    1.0 西尔维斯特·史泰龙/塔莉娅·夏尔/波特·杨/卡尔·韦瑟斯/劳伦斯·特劳德/
  • HD
    9.0 徐僧/韩乐瑶/施骏喆/贾梓/吴春怡/刘芯予/李亚云/何泊远/隋成军/李雄/吴明杭/朱瑞祥/黄飞/傲蕾/黄伟/
  • HD
    6.0 Ever/Victorious/Unique/in/the/World/天下无敌之承影剑/
  • 高清版
    5.0 克拉拉/张维伊/骆达华/蒲萄/
  • HD
    9.0 丁温庆/马克·辛格/查克·诺瑞斯/Sylvia/Kwan/杰森·斯科特·詹金斯/Matthew/Ryan/Burnett/妮琪·李/特欧·布里奥尼斯/克里斯托弗·肖尔曼/Yarett/Harper/


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