电影 太极门


Duel at the Supreme Gate


  • 片名:太极门
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:雷震/乐蒂/张扬/周小来/郝履仁/石坚/任浩/
  • 导演:袁秋枫/
  • 年份:1968
  • 地区:香港
  • 类型:动作/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:国语
  • 更新:2023-08-23 01:42
  • 简介:◎译  名 太极门  ◎片  名 Duel at the Supreme Gate  ◎年  代 1968  ◎国  家 中国香港  ◎类  别 动作剧情  ◎语  言 普通话  ◎字  幕 英文  ◎IMDB评分 5.910 (11 votes)  ◎IMDB链接 httpwww.imdb.comtitlett0884747  ◎文件格式 XviD MP3  ◎视频尺寸 608 x 256  ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB  ◎片  长 013106  ◎导  演 袁秋枫 Qiufeng Yuan  ◎主  演 雷震 Kelly Lai Chen  ....Sun Tai Yong  乐蒂 Di Le  ....Yuk Bin  张扬 Yang Zhang  ....Nam Chee  周小来 Siu Loi Chow  郝履仁 Ho Lee Yan  石坚 Shih Kien  ....Kuan (as Kin Sek)  任浩 Ho Yam  ◎简  介  After a troublesome misunderstanding with several students, Bin  receives the pill she needs from the Sky King's senior student  Chee Chun Nam but returns too late to save her master. What's  worse, it is revealed that she is actually the killer's daughter and  therefore can no longer reside at Supreme Gate as a clan rule. Even  defending the clan from a challenge by former clansman Sun Tai Yong is  not enough to persuade them to let her stay.  Bin becomes an unarmed outcast but not for long. Nam, who has trailed  her all the way to the Supreme Gate, has fallen in love with the  distraught swordswoman and offers her a golden flute sword for  protection. She next is warily convinced to join Yong in meeting her  real father who locks her away with the stolen clan items when she  refuses to join him. Bin escapes and attempts to return the weapons  to her clan but Yong intercepts them. Furious at his daughter's  actions, Kuan goes on the warpath. He strikes Bin with his deadly Icy  Press attack and stalks off in search of Yong and the stolen weapons.  From here the story takes on a more interesting dramatic turn as Bin  recovers with the aid of the Sky King but is left blinded by the  attack and unwilling to accept aid from Nam. Through various dramatic  turns, Nam refuses to give up and finally tricks her into accepting  his care. He eventually trains her to adapt her swordsmanship to  fighting blind. This predictably comes in handy when she returns to the  Supreme Gate to once again aid her former clan folk by dueling the new  master of the Magic Mirror, a weapon designed to blind its victims with  bright light so that the attacker can use the dagger-sized Golden Sword  to break though their defenses.
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◎译  名 太极门  ◎片  名 Duel at the Supreme Gate  ◎年  代 1968  ◎国  家 中国香港  ◎类  别 动作剧情  ◎语  言 普通话  ◎字  幕 英文  ◎IMDB评分 5.910 (11 votes)  ◎IMDB链接 httpwww.imdb.comtitlett0884747  ◎文件格式 XviD MP3  ◎视频尺寸 608 x 256  ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB  ◎片  长 013106  ◎导  演 袁秋枫 Qiufeng Yuan  ◎主  演 雷震 Kelly Lai Chen  ....Sun Tai Yong  乐蒂 Di Le  ....Yuk Bin  张扬 Yang Zhang  ....Nam Chee  周小来 Siu Loi Chow  郝履仁 Ho Lee Yan  石坚 Shih Kien  ....Kuan (as Kin Sek)  任浩 Ho Yam  ◎简  介  After a troublesome misunderstanding with several students, Bin  receives the pill she needs from the Sky King's senior student  Chee Chun Nam but returns too late to save her master. What's  worse, it is revealed that she is actually the killer's daughter and  therefore can no longer reside at Supreme Gate as a clan rule. Even  defending the clan from a challenge by former clansman Sun Tai Yong is  not enough to persuade them to let her stay.  Bin becomes an unarmed outcast but not for long. Nam, who has trailed  her all the way to the Supreme Gate, has fallen in love with the  distraught swordswoman and offers her a golden flute sword for  protection. She next is warily convinced to join Yong in meeting her  real father who locks her away with the stolen clan items when she  refuses to join him. Bin escapes and attempts to return the weapons  to her clan but Yong intercepts them. Furious at his daughter's  actions, Kuan goes on the warpath. He strikes Bin with his deadly Icy  Press attack and stalks off in search of Yong and the stolen weapons.  From here the story takes on a more interesting dramatic turn as Bin  recovers with the aid of the Sky King but is left blinded by the  attack and unwilling to accept aid from Nam. Through various dramatic  turns, Nam refuses to give up and finally tricks her into accepting  his care. He eventually trains her to adapt her swordsmanship to  fighting blind. This predictably comes in handy when she returns to the  Supreme Gate to once again aid her former clan folk by dueling the new  master of the Magic Mirror, a weapon designed to blind its victims with  bright light so that the attacker can use the dagger-sized Golden Sword  to break though their defenses.


  • TC抢先版
    6.0 黄景瑜/王一博/钟楚曦/欧豪/朱亚文/谷嘉诚/赵华为/木兰/白那日苏/余沛杉/刘学/南伏龙/魏冲/印小天/冯文娟/孙伊涵/李岷城/蒋林燕/高舒乔/
  • HD
    5.0 克里斯蒂娜·阿斯姆斯/Jalil/Asretov/谢尔盖·博里索夫/阿雷克西·查多夫/Ilya/Dombrovskiy/Andrey/Fomin/Ola/Keyru/Wilfred/Keyru/维塔利·基什琴科/尼基塔·科洛格利维/Stanislav/Kolomoets/Petr/Korolev/Alexander/Krasovsky/Julia/Kubina/Eugenia/Lezgintseva/维克托·苏霍卢科夫/
  • HD
    1.0 比佛利山超级警探:艾索·福里/妙探出差:艾索福里/
  • 高清版
    6.0 姜艺声/谢孟伟/石兆琪/邵峰/梁小龙/王李丹鈮/
  • HD
    9.0 A/Martial/Artlst/Lao/Yu's/Martial/Arts/Life/
  • HD
    7.0 奥利弗·杰森-科恩/珍娜·科尔曼/托马斯·图尔格斯/乔·布莱克莫尔/
  • HD
    1.0 西尔维斯特·史泰龙/塔莉娅·夏尔/波特·杨/卡尔·韦瑟斯/劳伦斯·特劳德/
  • HD
    9.0 徐僧/韩乐瑶/施骏喆/贾梓/吴春怡/刘芯予/李亚云/何泊远/隋成军/李雄/吴明杭/朱瑞祥/黄飞/傲蕾/黄伟/
  • HD
    6.0 Ever/Victorious/Unique/in/the/World/天下无敌之承影剑/
  • 高清版
    5.0 克拉拉/张维伊/骆达华/蒲萄/


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